Dinner and a Movie as performed by Phish

Dinner and a Movie was played at 7.38% of live Phish shows.
It was last played August 10, 2024, which was 9 shows ago.
There have been 1,938 shows since the live debut.
“Dinner and a Movie” has been played approximately once every 13.5 shows.
Since its debut, “Dinner and a Movie” has been played, on average, once every 12.9 shows.
It was played 150 time(s) at the following show(s):

Date Venue Gap Set Song Before Song After Notes Comments
1987-11-19 Hunt's 94 3 BBFCFM Curtis Loew First known performance.
1988-02-08 Nectar's 7 3 Flat Fee Alumni
1988-03-11 The Base Lodge, Stearns Hall... 6 2 Fluffhead Hood
1988-03-21 Nectar's 3 2 Possum IDK
1988-06-15 The Front 26 2 Contact 'A' Train
1988-07-23 Pete's Phabulous Phish Phest 12 3 Hood Slave
1988-07-29 The Roma 4 2 JJLC Sloth
1988-08-05 The Roma 4 1 Funky Bitch Fire
1988-09-24 Humphries House (The Zoo), A... 21 3 Bag Contact
1988-12-02 Molly's Cafe 7 2 Fee Forbin's
1989-02-07 The Front 16 2 Makisupa Bag
1989-03-01 Gallagher's 8 2 Slave The Fishin' Hole Lyrics changed to reference Gall...
1989-05-01 Pearl Street Ballroom 25 1 *** YEM
1989-08-26 Townshend Family Park 35 3 Suzy Antelope
1989-09-21 Pearl Street Ballroom 11 2 The Chase > > Bundle of Joy
1989-10-01 The Front 1 2 Reba > Bundle of Joy
1989-10-06 The Paradise 1 2 Bold As Love Happy Birthday
1989-10-07 Chase Hall, Bates College 1 2 *** > Bundle of Joy
1989-10-20 The Front 5 3 Walk Away > La Grange
1989-10-26 The Wetlands Preserve 3 2 Who Knows > > Who Do? We Do!
1989-10-28 The Chance 1 1 GTBT Reba
1989-12-01 The Paradise 11 1 Oh Kee Pa > Gin
1989-12-09 Huden Dining Hall, Castleton... 7 1 *** > La Grange
1990-02-09 Chameleon Club 23 2 *** Ya Mar
1990-02-10 23 East Cabaret 1 1 *** Oh Kee Pa
1990-02-15 The Living Room 1 1 Divided > Caravan
1990-02-23 Dining Center, Haverford Col... 4 1 Rocky Top > Ya Mar
1990-03-03 The Wetlands Preserve 5 2 *** Caravan
1990-03-08 Aiko's 3 1 *** > YEM
1990-03-11 The Front 3 2 Bouncin' 'A' Train
1990-03-17 23 East Cabaret 2 1 Esther > Bouncin'
1990-04-06 El Dorado Café 8 1 Ya Mar > Bouncin'
1990-04-09 Fly Me to the Moon Saloon 3 1 McGrupp > > Bouncin'
1990-04-13 The Inferno 2 1 Funky Bitch > Bouncin'
1990-04-19 Boulder Theater 3 1 McGrupp YEM
1990-04-20 Ramskeller, Colorado State U... 1 1 Cavern > Bouncin'
1990-04-22 Cutler Quad, Colorado College 2 2 *** Bouncin'
1990-04-25 The Clarke Memorial Fountain... 2 1 La Grange > Bouncin'
1990-04-26 Dionysus Club, The 'Sco, Obe... 1 1 Uncle Pen > Bouncin'
1990-04-28 The Strand Theater 1 1 Uncle Pen > Bouncin'
1990-04-29 Woodbury Ski & Racquet Club 1 1 YEM > Bouncin'
1990-05-07 The Haunt 5 1 Reba > Bouncin'
1990-05-13 The Front 5 1 Bag > Bouncin'
1990-05-19 The Upper, St. Paul's School 2 2 Fee > Bouncin'
1990-05-24 The Brewery 2 2 Foam > Possum
1990-05-25 The Old Post Office 1 1 YEM > Bouncin'
1990-05-30 The Pterodactyl Club 2 2 Sloth Bouncin'
1990-05-31 The Georgia Theatre 1 1 YEM > Bouncin'
1990-06-02 Greenstreets 2 1 Uncle Pen > Bouncin'
1990-06-05 Cat's Cradle 1 2 Caravan > Bouncin'
1990-06-07 The Bayou 2 2 MSO > Bouncin'
1990-06-09 The Wetlands Preserve 2 1 Reba > Bouncin'
1990-09-14 The Living Room 6 1 Stash IDK
1990-09-16 Wesleyan University 2 1 *** > Bouncin'
1990-09-21 Somerville Theatre 4 1 Asse Festival Foam
1990-09-28 The Chance 3 2 Gumbo > YEM
1990-09-29 23 East Cabaret 1 1 Divided Landlady
1990-10-01 The Haunt 2 1 Magilla > Bouncin'
1990-10-03 Thunderbird's 1 1 *** Uncle Pen
1990-10-06 The Capitol Theatre 3 1 Coil > > Bouncin'
1990-10-12 Cat's Cradle 5 1 YEM > Bouncin'
1990-10-13 Greenstreets 1 2 *** > Bouncin'
1990-10-17 The Pterodactyl Club 2 2 *** > Stash
1990-10-25 The Showbar 5 1 *** > Bouncin'
1990-10-27 Rhythm Room 2 1 Stash > Bouncin'
1990-11-03 Boulder Theater 4 1 *** > Bouncin'
1990-11-08 The Great Hall, University o... 3 2 Oh Kee Pa > Bouncin'
1990-11-15 Lengyel Gym, University of M... 3 1 Runaway Jim > Bouncin'
1990-11-30 The Colonial Theatre 6 1 Esther > > Bouncin'
1990-12-02 The Front 2 1 Asse Festival > YEM
1990-12-08 The Chance 2 2 Asse Festival > Bouncin'
1990-12-29 Campus Club 2 2 JJLC > Bouncin'
1991-02-02 Alumni Gymnasium 3 1 Guelah > Esther
1991-02-15 The Colonial Theatre 7 1 Sloth Magilla
1991-02-19 The Bayou 2 1 Reba > Sloth
1991-02-21 Trax 2 1 Reba > Ya Mar
1991-02-22 Cat's Cradle 1 1 Coil > YEM
1991-02-26 The Barrel House 2 2 Runaway Jim Stash
1991-03-01 The Georgia Theatre 3 1 Tweezer > Bouncin'
1991-03-15 Gothic Theatre 7 1 Stash > Bouncin'
1991-04-03 Britt Ballroom 10 1 Tweezer > > Bouncin'
1991-04-05 Starry Night 2 2 Sloth > Hood
1991-04-11 The Cave, Carleton College 2 1 Magilla > Bouncin'
1991-04-13 Biddy Mulligan’s 2 1 *** > Bouncin'
1991-04-18 Dionysus Club, The 'Sco, Obe... 3 1 Runaway Jim > Foam
1991-04-19 Nietzsche’s 1 1 *** > Bouncin'
1991-04-25 Field House, UNH 4 2 Tela > Stash
1991-05-10 Page Commons Room, Student C... 7 1 Ya Mar > Sloth
1991-05-12 The Front 2 1 Bouncin' > Stash
1991-05-16 The Sting 1 2 Runaway Jim > Bouncin'
1991-05-18 The Marquee 2 e *** > Runaway Jim
1991-05-19 Salisbury School 1 2 Reba > Sloth
1991-07-11 Battery Park 1 2 *** > Cavern Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-12 The Colonial Theatre 1 1 *** > Bouncin' Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-14 Townshend Family Park 2 2 Gumbo > > Bouncin' Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-15 The Academy 1 1 Landlady > Stash Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-20 Arrowhead Ranch 3 2 Caravan Flat Fee Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-23 The Bayou 2 2 Sweet Adeline > Gumbo Giant Country Horns.
1991-07-26 The Georgia Theatre 3 2 Stash YEM Giant Country Horns.
1991-09-27 The Warehouse 5 2 Mango > Oh Kee Pa
1991-10-12 Roseland Theater 11 2 'A' Train > Brother
1991-10-18 Great American Music Hall 4 2 Guelah > Mike's
1991-10-24 Crystal Ballroom, Hotel St. ... 3 2 Slave > > Bouncin'
1991-10-26 Club West 1 2 *** Runaway Jim
1991-10-28 Elk Ballroom 2 2 Wilson > > Stash
1991-10-31 Armstrong Hall 2 2 Horn Tube
1991-11-08 Ivory Tusk 5 1 Landlady > > Stash
1991-11-12 The Georgia Theatre 3 2 *** > Stash
1991-11-14 Cat's Cradle 2 2 *** > Roll Like a Cantaloupe (Smells Like Teen Spirit quote)
1991-11-19 The Sting 3 2 Reba > Cavern
1991-11-22 Sullivan Gymnasium, Universi... 3 1 Lawn Boy Stash
1991-12-04 E. Glenn Giltz Auditorium, S... 4 1 Coil > Bouncin'
1992-03-13 Campus Club 9 1 Maze > Divided
1992-03-19 Palace Theatre 3 1 Silent Forbin's
1992-03-21 Chestnut Cabaret 2 1 Silent Coil
1992-03-27 13x13 Club 5 2 Gin > Magilla
1992-03-31 The Blue Note 3 2 Cavern > My Friend
1992-04-06 Paul Wright Gym, Western Sta... 5 2 *** > Gin
1992-04-18 Wilbur Field, Stanford Unive... 8 2 TMWSIY Hood
1992-04-21 Redwood Acres Fairgrounds 2 2 *** Forbin's
1992-04-25 Campus Rec Center 4 2 ATR Hood
1992-05-03 Michigan State University Un... 5 2 Cold as Ice Bouncin'
1992-05-12 St. Lawrence University 7 1 It's Ice > Bouncin'
1992-07-16 Flood Zone 20 1 Wilson > > Bouncin'
1992-11-20 Palace Theatre 30 2 FEFY Hood
1992-12-01 Livingston Gymnasium, Deniso... 8 2 HYHU > Bowie
1992-12-11 Michigan Theater 9 2 *** > Mike's
1993-02-21 Roxy Theatre 22 1 Esther > > Bouncin'
1993-04-12 Iowa Memorial Union Main Lou... 35 2 *** > Tweezer
1993-04-24 Cheel Arena, Clarkson Univer... 10 2 Gin > Mound
1993-08-09 Concert Hall 33 2 *** > Tweezer
1994-05-21 The Moore Theatre 55 2 *** > Sample (Tin Man quote)
1994-06-13 Memorial Hall 11 1 Wolfman's > Stash
1994-10-22 The Edge Concert Field 38 2 Silent > > Tweezer
1995-11-18 North Charleston Coliseum 94 1 *** > Bouncin'
1995-11-28 Knoxville Civic Coliseum 6 1 Stash > Bouncin'
1996-08-06 Red Rocks Amphitheatre 43 1 Lizards Horn
1997-03-01 Markthalle 59 2 Carini > Mike's
2000-09-29 Thomas & Mack Center 244 2 *** Moma
2004-06-17 KeySpan Park 55 1 ASIHTOS Curtain With
2009-08-13 Darien Lake 41 1 Sample Wolfman's
2009-12-04 MSG 18 1 Reba Guyute
2010-06-17 The Comcast Theatre 10 1 Ocelot Stash
2011-06-14 Verizon Wireless Amphitheatr... 58 1 *** Moma
2011-08-16 UIC Pavilion, University of ... 15 1 *** Ha Ha Ha
2012-06-29 Klipsch Music Center 22 1 Crowd Control Sweet Jane
2013-07-21 Northerly Island 37 1 *** Bag
2017-08-04 MSG 164 1 BBFCFM Ocelot
2023-02-24 Moon Palace 177 1 *** Loving Cup
2024-08-10 Bethel Woods 71 1 Hey Stranger Halley's

"Dinner and a Movie" was teased at the following shows

Show Date Artist Song (Tease Type) Venue
1992-03-19 Phish David Bowie (Tease) Palace Theatre, New Haven, CT, USA

Blue text indicates this song is in our jam charts.
Yellow indicates you were in attendance.
Gray text indicates that this performance doesn't count for stats purposes.


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